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San Francisco Marin Medical Society Blog

3 Ways Doctors Can Take on Insurers

Excerpt from an article posted on American Medical News, by Emily Berry.

Trying to persuade a health insurer to change a policy, fix a problem or reverse a bad decision can be frustrating for physicians. But it can be done—with persistence, and by gathering strength in numbers.

It’s challenging for doctors to find the time to fight with insurers, said Gene Ransom, president and CEO of the Maryland State Medical Society. He said physicians are more likely to take the time to ensure that a patient’s treatment is covered than to make sure they as physicians are being treated and paid fairly.

Whatever the goal, Ransom and others say the best way to get insurers to listen and make changes is to become bigger than one physician:

  1. Gather a group of doctors who want the same thing
  2. Forge an alliance with government authorities who have the power to force insurers to change
  3. Get the issue wider attention using media—both the old and new varieties. 

Click here for the full article.

Source: American Medical News, May 21, 2012

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Organized medicine is often the first place to find allies who share the same values and challenges. SFMS/CMA stand ready to help physicians resolve concerns with third-party interference, delayed and denied payments, inappropriate downcoding and bundling, unfair contract practices and any other hassles faced by physicians. Contact SFMS or click here to view CMA's analyses of health plan contracts.

SFMS members: Receive one-on-one assistance through CMA's Center for Economic Services if you have any questions regarding specific health plans, or need assistance with payment/reimbursement or contract issues. Contact the reimbursement help line at (888) 401-5911.

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